© ALUPROF Aluminiumprofile GmbH
Guiding principle
The ALUPROF philosophy – high quality, precise processing, modern technology and a trustful relationship.

To reach the possible, we also try out the impossible.
ALUPROF is a modern company, that utilizes state of the art methods, processes and machines.
We aim for long-term economic stability and controlled growth. We are open to change and optimizations.
We strive to establish long-lasting partnerships and do anything fully solve our customer’s problems to their complete satisfaction. Trust and reliability are the base upon which we cooperate closely with our partners.
Working together
We deal with one another in an open, honest and respectful manner. We recognize achievements, welcome constructive criticism and suggestions for improvements. Information is always handled responsibly. Faults are reason to eliminate them and take corrective measures and not reason for blame.
Our understanding of leadership
We are aware that our thinking and acting has an exemplary function. As an employer we encourage further training, initiative and sense of responsibility of our employees. We delegate clearly defined tasks, competencies and responsibilities.
Our Commitment
The management and all employees commit themselves to act according to these principles.
Want to know more about ALUPROF? Feel free to contact us.
ALUPROF Aluminiumprofile GmbH
Hauptstraße 134
63579 Freigericht-Altenmittlau
06055 9143-0
ALUPROF is a modern company that uses methods, processes, and machines that correspond to the latest state of the art.
Aluprof Aluminiumprofile GmbH
Hauptstraß 134
63579 Freigericht-Altenmittlau
06055 9143-0