© ALUPROF Aluminiumprofile GmbH
A team can only be as good as its players – ALUPROF has had the All-Star team for many years.

ALUPROF – we are there for you!
We are proud of our employees and each time we look forward to meet new challenges and collaborate in finding creative and innovative solutions for our customers.
To learn the personal e-mail address or phone no. of one of the contacts please place the cursor on the respective picture.
Giorgio Liccese
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Phone: +49 6055 9143-150
Fax: +49 6055 9143-159
E-mail: giorgio.liccese@aluprof.de
Sonja Liccese
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Phone: +49 6055 9143-200
Fax: +49 6055 9143-209
E-mail: sonja.liccese@aluprof.de
Dominic Jenemann
Head of Quality Management
Phone: +49 6055 9143-390
E-mail: dominic.jenemann@aluprof.de
Alexander Reinhart
Head of Productionsservice
Phone: +49 6055 9143-400
Heike Bechtold
Head of Financial and Payroll Accounting
Phone: +49 6055 9143-210
Fax: +49 6055 9143-219
E-mail: heike.bechtold@aluprof.de
ALUPROF Aluminiumprofile GmbH
Hauptstraße 134
63579 Freigericht-Altenmittlau
06055 9143-0
ALUPROF is a modern company that uses methods, processes, and machines that correspond to the latest state of the art.
Aluprof Aluminiumprofile GmbH
Hauptstraß 134
63579 Freigericht-Altenmittlau
06055 9143-0